November 7 - 8, 2018  | SAN FRANCISCO

We held a number of workshop sessions that were fun and informative.

How to Monitor InfluxEnterprise

Abstract: You heard from Tim Hall why you should monitor your InfluxDB instance—now hear from Russ Savage on how to do so. Russ will share with you a set of detailed best practices from lessons learned in monitoring InfluxDB for InfluxCloud.

SpeakerRuss Savage | InfluxData

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Build Your Own Telegraf Plugin

Abstract: Telegraf is a plugin-driven server agent for collecting & reporting metrics, and there are many plugins already written to source data from a variety of services and systems. However, there may be instances where you need to write your own plugin to source data from your particular systems. In this session, Anais will provide you with the steps on how to write your own Telegraf plugin. This will require an understanding of the Go programming language.

SpeakerAnais Dotis-Georgiou | InfluxData

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Optimizing the TICK Stack

Abstract: In this session, you will learn how to tune your queries for performance plus strategies for effective schema design.

SpeakerSam Dillard | InfluxData

How to Monitor InfluxEnterprise

Abstract: You heard from Tim Hall why you should monitor your InfluxEnterprise instance—now hear from Russ Savage on how to do so. Russ will share with you a set of detailed best practices from lessons learned in monitoring InfluxDB for InfluxCloud.

SpeakerRuss Savage | InfluxData

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Chronograf and Dashboarding

Abstract: Chronograf is the user interface component of the TICK Stack. You will learn how to set up Chronograf—building your first set of dashboards, creating TICK scripts, setting alerts—and finally how to monitor and manage your InfluxData installation. Finally, a brief overview of how to set up multi-user Chronograf will be discussed.

SpeakerRuss Savage | InfluxData

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Machine Learning and Time Series Data

Abstract: How do you apply machine learning to your time series? What can you accomplish by doing so? How do you do this? These questions and many more will get answered in this session led by our Machine Learning Developer Advocate, Anais Dotis-Georgiou.

SpeakerAnais Dotis-Georgiou | InfluxData

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InfluxEnterprise Architectural Patterns

Abstract: In this workshop, Craig will share some best practices for architecting your InfluxData platform across a variety of datacenters.

SpeakerCraig Hobbs | InfluxData

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InfluxDB and the Linux eBPF

Abstract: Since the release of the Linux kernel 4.x series, a lot of enhancements have reached mainline to the eBPF ecosystem giving us the capability to do a lot more than just network stuff. The purpose of this talk is to provide an initial understanding on what eBPF programs are and how to hook the output of eBPF programs to InfluxDB in order to answer targeted questions at the cluster level and very specific fine-grained situations happening in our programs.

SpeakerLorenzo Fontana | InfluxData

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InfluxQL & TICKscript

Abstract: InfluxQL is a powerful query language for InfluxDB, and the TICKScript is a domain-specific language used by Kapacitor to define tasks involving the extraction, transformation and loading of data and also involving the tracking of arbitrary changes and detection of events within data. The combination of these two can make your monitoring apps powerful. During this session, InfluxData Engineer Michael DeSa will share best practices for using these powerful tools.

SpeakerMichael DeSa | InfluxData

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Abstract: David will be walking you through a typical data architecture for an IoT device. Then, it will be a hands-on workshop to gather data from the device, display it on a dashboard and trigger alerts based on thresholds that you set.

SpeakerDavid Simmons | InfluxData

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