David Simmons

IoT Developer Evangelist, InfluxData

David Simmons is the IoT Developer Evangelist at InfluxData, helping developers around the globe manage the streams of data that their devices produce. He is passionate about IoT and helped to develop the very first IoT Developer Platform before “IoT” was even ‘a thing.’ David has held numerous technical evangelist roles at companies such as DragonFly IOT, Riverbed Technologies, and Sun. He studied Computer Science at the University of New Mexico and has a BA in Technical Writing from Columbia University.
Talk Title: InfluxDB for IoT

Bring your laptop ready to go(*), and David will provide a walkthrough of a typical data architecture for an IoT device, followed by how to gather data from the devices in the workshop and display it on a dashboard and trigger alerts based on thresholds that you set.

* Prerequisites: InfluxDB 1.0 and Chronograf need to be installed on your laptop before the session in order to follow along.