InfluxDays London 2018: Steve Moreton Speaking!

InfluxDays London 2018: Steve Moreton Speaking!

Less than a month away, and we are starting to get pretty excited about InfluxDays London! One great reason is that you will get the chance to see Steve Moreton, Senior Technical Director at CJC, in person. I had the privilege of meeting Steve a few months back, and...
Tim Hall, VP of Products is Speaking at InfluxDays!

Tim Hall, VP of Products is Speaking at InfluxDays!

Tim Hall is the VP of Products at InfluxData, and he will be speaking at InfluxDays in London about Chronograf—what it is, how to use it, and some of the best practices that he recommends when setting thresholds and building dashboards. In addition, he will be sharing...
InfluxDays Coming to London in June!

InfluxDays Coming to London in June!

I can’t believe it has already been a month since our InfluxDays event in NYC. We had a brilliant time with our speakers, our developers, and you, the users of our fabulous open source projects! We have since posted the recordings of all the talks for you to watch at...