Barbara Nelson

Samantha Wang

Product Manager, InfluxData

Samantha Wang is currently a Product Manager at InfluxData. She is currently responsible for the open source products at InfluxData including InfluxDB OSS 2.0 and Telegraf. Previous to InfluxData, she worked in product and engineering roles at Gracenote (a Nielsen Company) and Verizon. Samantha holds a degree in Industrial & Systems Engineering from the University of Southern California (Fight on!).

Talk Title: Best Practices on How to Transform Your Data Using Telegraf and Flux

There are many use cases for Telegraf aside from pure data ingestion. Telegraf allows customers to transform their data for storage efficiency prior to ingestion into their database. No matter how your data is formatted in its original source, when it reaches InfluxDB, the data is in your and your team’s optimal state. On the other end of the pipeline, when the data is stored in InfluxDB, Flux has become a powerful language not just for querying and analysis but for transformations as well.

So how do you balance what work you do to your data before ingestion with Telegraf versus post-processing data with Flux? In her talk, Samantha Wang will go over best practices of when to use Telegraf for data efficiency, common Flux transformation functions, and go in-depth over different scenarios of when to best use Telegraf versus Flux or how to optimally use a combination of both. Users will learn to have a better understanding of the capabilities of both Telegraf and Flux and how they should best be using their features to transform their data.