Rob Frohnapfel

Director, Comcast

The mission of our team is simple – remove the infrastructure-heavy lifting from our development teams and enable them a frictionless experience to deploy their applications. Over the years we have delivered IaaS and SDS, and we are now focused on Cloud Foundry PaaS (Pivotal & Open Source CF), Kubernetes, and other “above the value line” services for Comcast. Our platforms host thousands of unique applications, tens of thousands of virtual machines and containers, dozens of petabytes of storage and an expanding portfolio of homegrown telemetry and automation.

Talk Title:  Turning Cloud Metrics into Results

You have discovered InfluxDB and now have a plethora of metrics at your fingertips. Next you want to apply these metrics and generate impactful, tangible business results. But where do you start? This talk will describe how Comcast was able to apply our multi-tenant cloud metrics to identify huge opportunities, partner with the business, and drive outcomes that include reliable cloud performance and the return of real dollars to the business…not to mention happy customers!

Recent Talks

Scaling and Extending vRops for the Enterprise