Hands-On Flux Training returns by popular demand! As part of InfluxDays NA 2021 Virtual Experience, it will take place on October 11-12, two weeks prior to the conference — with only 50 spots available to ensure an ideal student-to-teacher ratio. The course uses an IoT-sensor-enabled pizza oven and corresponding time-stamped data as an example. You will learn Flux while discussing how the temperature and humidity levels of a pizza oven can impact the cooking of the pizza crust and the melting of the mozzarella. 🍕 It’s time series analysis at your fingertips!

What is Flux?

Flux was developed by the creators of InfluxDB. It’s a data scripting and query language that’s ideal for ETL, monitoring and alerting. Developers can query and code with Flux — and use it to explore and analyze data across time.

Query and code with Flux language

Query and code with Flux — a powerful language from the makers of InfluxDB that allows developers to explore and analyze data across time

Here’s what makes Flux empowering:

  • Has a CLI and a web-based UI for point-and-click scripting
  • Combines the power of InfluxQL and the functionality of TICKscripts to create a more powerful single unified syntax (which was primarily inspired by 2018’s most popular scripting language: JavaScript)
  • Is meant to be usable, readable, flexible, composable, testable, contributable and shareable

What you’ll learn from this Flux course

This is a starter course, so it’s okay if you’re not yet familiar with Flux. Over the span of two half-days, you’ll become familiar with Flux and InfluxDB Cloud! In case you already attended our Flux Training course in past years, stay tuned for details on a new Advanced Flux Training we’re planning to announce soon!

This starter Flux course includes lectures, demos, hands-on practices, homework, polls, and breakout sessions for better 1:1 time with one of the three instructors. You’ll learn:

  • Basics of time series data & InfluxDB
  • Simple Flux queries
  • Data analysis and preparation
  • Custom alerts and data processing tasks
  • Time series forecasting and anomaly detection
  • And more!

Learning a new query and scripting language while discussing pizza and sensor data is fun! 🙌🏼  And it’s easy to imagine all the time series data projects you can cook up with your newfound knowledge. This course is capped at 50 students and costs $500.00 — so save your spot now before spots run out. Given the power of Flux and InfluxDB Cloud, this might be this year’s best training investment — and one that accelerates your time to awesome. Excited to start using InfluxDB’s Data Explorer to query your data with Flux?

“The Flux training was really useful as Flux is quite a big shift from the more common SQL-like query languages. The examples and exercises were really helpful in deepening our understanding of the data structures at play, and much aligned to the spirit of the conference itself the attendees were encouraged to demonstrate & help each other further their learning.” – Jamie Milton | Senior Analytics Consultant, Fort Digital

Data Explorer - flux

Meet your experienced Flux trainers

Our fantastic trainers have hosted this course multiple times. After every session, they come back together to revise the training content based on real student feedback as well incorporating Fluxlang updates from InfluxData.

Emanuele is a professor at Politecnico di Milano, which is the largest technical university in Italy. Together with Marco, they founded Quantia Consulting to enable clients to become data-driven through better data engineering, analysis and visualization. They use their industry expertise to create training programs. Riccardo is a Professor at the University of Tartu, the national university of Estonia.

Together, the three trainers provide a unique combination of industry knowledge and instructional design expertise to develop and organize the training.

Says Emauele: “I love engaging with the participants in my courses — online training often limits this possibility. Thanks to the audience and my two great co-trainers, the last two online Flux training were as engaging as physical ones!”

The virtual training registration fee is $500 and automatically registers you for InfluxDays North America Virtual Experience 2021.
Spots are running out — save yours today!